Blair Lee

Interview & Article by Brittany Ormiston

Photo by Eric Richards

LIMBO is all about the in-between, indecision, looping, stalling, being stuck.” Alternative/pop sensation Blair Lee released her EP LIMBO last month, and takes listeners on a journey above the clouds. Despite the heavy topics, Blair’s vocals bring a level of peace and allow you to accept the unexpectedness life brings. The 1990s nostalgic melodies are wrapped perfectly with the modern imagery utilized in the unwavering lyricism. Blair pulls inspiration from the smallest details of her life, yet translates them into powerful life-changing songs. Her artistry has already made waves, and she is being compared to great names such as Joni Mitchell. Blair’s effortless depiction of in-between moments will have listeners moving forward with a new outlook and a glimmer of hope for the future.       

After five years in the making, your new EP LIMBO was recently released! How has the release process been?

Blair: “It’s been really cool to see the whole thing come to life — from making the songs with Max (ModMaxx), to working with other creatives to make a visual world, to working with my team to get everything sorted and pushed.” 

If you could describe your new EP in three words what would they be?

Blair: “peel, grip, release :)”

Your new body of work makes listeners feel as if they are floating above the clouds. What are 2-3 artists or songs that provide you with peace and tranquility?

Blair: “Hazel English, Nala Sinephro, and Brian Eno right now.” 

What do you hope listeners take away from LIMBO, and your music as a whole?

Blair: “I just hope they listen to it and like it! Ideally, I would like to make people feel like they are safe to feel whatever they’ve been pushing down — that’s how my favorite music makes me feel.”

Where do you pull inspiration from when it comes to the imagery in your lyrics?

Blair: “Just everyday things. Usually the in-between moments — standing in an alleyway, sitting at the bar… looking at life. Kind of unremarkable things.”

You edited and assisted with the filming/directing of your newest music video "Don’t Wanna Leave." Describe your experience of bringing this track to life, and providing creative direction in this way.  

Blair: “I knew I wanted it to feel like a party — nothing crazy, but good times with good people who make you feel like you can be yourself. I’m really close with my coworkers, and I asked them all if they’d be up for making a DIY music video at the restaurant/bar we all work at. They said yes! And beyond that, everyone stepped in and helped so much. My friend Josh Borodenko brought a bunch of lighting equipment (without me asking), Cam managed the sound throughout the shoot, and Yash and Evan took care of everyone’s drinks.”

You often say the phrase “even the heaviest subjects can float.” How did this motto come to be, and do you apply it to other areas of your life as well?

Blair: “That’s actually written by one of my best friends, Emma Paling! She spent two days with me trying to figure out what my music was all about, who I am and how I make people feel. We decided, well, she really drew it out of me, and it wasn’t easy — that my music often touches on heavy subjects but explores them in a way that makes them feel… lighter??

What is on the horizon for the rest of 2024?

Blair:  “Some shows, more music, some travel, and life in-between :)”      


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